We are thrilled to welcome you to Source Fashion, 14-16th July 2024.
Complete your profile to ensure you stand out from the crowd! – This is VERY IMPORTANT
The more information you add the easier it will be for buyers to discover your profile and your products on the website. Be sure you add your company information and social details as well as anything else you think visitors to the website would love to know more about.
You can also upload product images, videos, brochures, press releases, and fill in the sustainable product goals (SDG) form. Use the navigation along the left side to help fill out these parts of your profile.
When buyers visit your profile on the website they now have the ability to message you directly through a ‘Contact Exhibitor’ button. These messages are stored under ‘My Messages from buyers’ on the left and are waiting for your response.
Interested in hearing more about the additional features included in the enhanced or platinum profile? Email us at: exhibitor@source-fashion.com or contact your account manager directly.
With Source Fashion located in the National Hall at Olympia London, next door to Pure London in the Grand Hall, we understand that you might want to connect with some Pure London exhibitors during the show to discuss business opportunities. We encourage you to hold any business meetings in the Source Fashion area. Please note that if you want to enter Pure London via the crossover, you will require written proof from the Pure London exhibitor that a meeting has been arranged (either via email or the E-Zone).